Like most people, I’ve been obsessed with Wordle for the past few weeks. It’s been a fun diversion and the perfect thing to do while sipping a cup of coffee.
But of course, my brain is somewhat broken by SQL and when I saw this GitHub repo courtesy of Derek Visch, I was intrigued by the idea of using SQL to build a Wordle optimizer.
Using his existing queries, I was able to get a list of “optimal” first words. But it took forever! On my laptop, over 900 seconds. Surely this thing could be optimized.

For reference, you can find the query here, but I’ve pulled a point in time copy below.
{{ config( tags=["old"] ) }}
WITH guesses as (
SUBSTRING(word, 1, 1) letter_one,
SUBSTRING(word, 2, 1) letter_two,
SUBSTRING(word, 3, 1) letter_three,
SUBSTRING(word, 4, 1) letter_four,
SUBSTRING(word, 5, 1) letter_five
FROM {{ ref( 'wordle' ) }} ),
answers as (
SUBSTRING(word, 1, 1) letter_one,
SUBSTRING(word, 2, 1) letter_two,
SUBSTRING(word, 3, 1) letter_three,
SUBSTRING(word, 4, 1) letter_four,
SUBSTRING(word, 5, 1) letter_five
from {{ ref( 'answer' ) }} ),
crossjoin as (
guesses.word as guess,
answers.word as answer,
WHEN answers.letter_one in (guesses.letter_one, guesses.letter_two, guesses.letter_three, guesses.letter_four, guesses.letter_five) THEN 1
end as a1_match,
WHEN answers.letter_two in (guesses.letter_one, guesses.letter_two, guesses.letter_three, guesses.letter_four, guesses.letter_five) THEN 1
end as a2_match,
WHEN answers.letter_three in (guesses.letter_one, guesses.letter_two, guesses.letter_three, guesses.letter_four, guesses.letter_five) THEN 1
end as a3_match,
WHEN answers.letter_four in (guesses.letter_one, guesses.letter_two, guesses.letter_three, guesses.letter_four, guesses.letter_five) THEN 1
end as a4_match,
WHEN answers.letter_five in (guesses.letter_one, guesses.letter_two, guesses.letter_three, guesses.letter_four, guesses.letter_five) THEN 1
end as a5_match
from guesses
cross join answers),
count_answers as (
a1_match + a2_match + a3_match + a4_match + a5_match as total
from crossjoin),
maths_agg as (
avg(total) avg,
from count_answers
group by guess
order by avg desc ),
final as (
select *
from maths_agg )
select *
from final
The first optimization
The first, most obvious lever to pull on was to increase compute! So I switched to my newly built gaming PC. The environment setup is win 11 pro , dbt 1.0.0, and postgres 14 (via WSL2), running on an AMD 5600G processor with 32GB of RAM, although WSL2 only has access to 8GB of RAM. I will detail the environment setup in another post.
With this increased compute, I was able to reduce run time by 3.4x, from 927s to 272s.

The second optimization
The next level was inspecting the query itself and understand where potential bottlenecks could be. There are a couple ways to do this, one of which is using the query planner. In this case, I didn’t do that because I don’t know how to use the postgresql query planner – mostly I’ve used SQL Server so I’m a bit out of my element here.
So I took each CTE apart and made them into views & tables depending complexity. Simple queries that are light on math can be materialized as views, where as more complex, math intensive queries can be materialized as tables. I leveraged the dbt config block in the specific queries I wanted to materialize as tables.

Simply by strategically using the table materialization, we can increase performance by 9.0x – 272s to 30s.

The third optimization
Visually inspecting the query further, the crossjoin model is particularly nasty as a CTE.
crossjoin as (
guesses.word as guess,
answers.word as answer,
WHEN answers.letter_one in (guesses.letter_one, guesses.letter_two, guesses.letter_three, guesses.letter_four, guesses.letter_five) THEN 1
end as a1_match,
from guesses
cross join answers
First, there is a fair bit of math on each row. Secondarily, its cross joining a couple large tables and creating a 30m row model. So in round numbers, there are 5 calculations for “guess” times 5 calculations for each “answer”, for 25 calculations per row. Multiply by 25m rows, you get 750m calculations.
Now since I have a pretty robust PC with 6 cores, why not run the dbt project on 6 threads? First things first – lets change our profile to run on 6 threads.

With that done, I had to partition my biggest table, crossjoin, into blocks that could be processed in parallel. I did this with the following code block:
{{ config(
) }}
-- Since I have 6 threads, I am creating 6 partitions
SELECT 1 as partition_key, 1 as "start", MAX(id) * 0.167 as "end"
FROM {{ ref( 'guesses_with_id' ) }}
SELECT 2 as partition_key, MAX(id) * 0.167+1 as "start", MAX(id) * 0.333 as "end"
FROM {{ ref( 'guesses_with_id' ) }}
SELECT 3 as partition_key, MAX(id) * 0.333+1 as "start", MAX(id) * 0.5 as "end"
FROM {{ ref( 'guesses_with_id' ) }}
SELECT 4 as partition_key, MAX(id) * 0.5+1 as "start", MAX(id) * 0.667 as "end"
FROM {{ ref( 'guesses_with_id' ) }}
SELECT 5 as partition_key, MAX(id) * 0.667+1 as "start", MAX(id) *0.833 as "end"
FROM {{ ref( 'guesses_with_id' ) }}
SELECT 6 as partition_key, MAX(id) * 0.833+1 as "start", MAX(id) as "end"
FROM {{ ref( 'guesses_with_id' ) }}

Then I split my table generation query into 6 parts. I believe this could probably be done with a macro in dbt? But I am not sure, so I did this by hand.
guesses.word as guess,
answers.word as answer,
from {{ ref( 'guesses_with_id' ) }} guesses
join {{ ref( 'guess_partition' ) }} guess_partition ON partition_key = 1
AND BETWEEN guess_partition.start AND guess_partition.end
cross join {{ ref( 'answers' ) }} answers
Then of course, I need a view that sits on top of the 6 blocks and combines them into a single pane for analysis. The resulting query chain looks like this.

I then executed my new code. You can see in htop how all 6 threads are active on Postgres while these queries execute.

This results in a run time of 17.2s, a 53.8x improvement from the original query on my laptop and a 15.8x improvement on the initial query on the faster pc. Interestingly, going from 1 thread to 6 threads only gave us a 50% performance increase, so there were bottlenecks elsewhere (Bus? Ram? I am not an expert in these things).

Real world applications
This optimization, taken as a whole, worked for a few reasons:
- It’s trivial to add more compute to a problem, although there is real hard costs incurred.
- The postgresql query planner was particularly inefficient in handling these CTEs – most likely calculating the same data multiple times. Materializing data as a table prevents these duplicative calculations.
- Databases are great at running queries in parallel.
These exact optimization steps won’t work for every table, especially if the calculations are not discrete on a row-by-row basis. Since each calculation in core table “crossjoin” is row-based, partitioning it into pieces that can run in parallel is very effective.
Some constraints to consider when optimizing with parallelization:
- Read/Write throughput maximums
- Holding the relevant data in memory
- Compute tx per second
This scenario is purely bottlenecked on compute – so optimizing for less compute in bulk (and then secondarily, more compute in parallel) did not hit local maximums for memory and read/write speeds. As noted above, running the threads in parallel did hit a bottleneck somewhere but I am not sure where.
If you want to try this for yourself, you can find the GitHub project here. It is built for Postgres + dbt-core 1.0.0, so can’t guarantee it works in other environments.
Hat tip to Derek for sparking my curiosity and putting his code out there so that I could use it.
PS – The best two-word combo I could come up using this code is: EARLS + TONIC.